History of Alpha Industries
In the very south of the USA, in the small town of Knoxville, Tennessee, Alan Cirker founded the company Alpha Industries in 1959. Initially, he designed his jackets for the pilots of the U.S. Air Force and until today, the company is the largest provider of flight jackets for them. The material made of special nylon excels through a particularly smooth surface and low material resistance. This enables the pilots to access the cockpit easily and swiftly and, in the case of emergency, to leave it quickly via the ejector seat.
The unique fit is due to a sophisticated procedure which results in the gathered seams, for which Alpha Industries is renowned. In the early 80’s, Hollywood stars also discovered the classic pilot jackets.
The look spread quickly and the jackets became strongly desired must-haves for fashion lovers throughout the world.
See celebrities choosing products of Alpha Industries
Alpha Industries has been remaining true to its history by continuing to produce authentic military garments. Alpha Industries fulfils the expectations of its global customer base by continually developing casual clothing that interprets its military heritage into products that people want to wear because of their unsurpassed performance characteristics, design and quality.
These trends are inspired by Alpha classic military jackets like: MA-1, CWU-45, M-65, N-2B, N-3B.